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711:upgrade_from_710 [2024/08/29 14:25] – created Meier, Erich711:upgrade_from_710 [2024/08/29 14:28] (current) Meier, Erich
Line 12: Line 12:
 Windows: stop the ''Stages'' and ''Stages Search'' Windows services Windows: stop the ''Stages'' and ''Stages Search'' Windows services
-===== Install Java 17 JDK ===== 
-==== Upgrade on Windows ==== 
-  * Download a Java 17 JDK Installer for Windows (Links can be found under [[:711:system_requirements]]) 
-  * Execute the installer as an administrator 
-    * If the Installer offers to update the JAVA_HOME variable it is recommended to do so. 
-    * If not please update the JAVA_HOME variable manually. 
-  * Proceed with **Execute Manual Actions**, **Run Upgrade Installer**  and **Restart Stages **  (see chapters below) 
-  * Insert the cacerts file in <JavaHome>/lib/security from your backup if necessary. 
-==== Upgrade on RHEL8+9 and derivates ==== 
-We recommend doing all of the following as root in Linux shell. 
-Backup your cacerts file from your JDK8 installation. (<JavaHome>/jre/lib/security/cacerts), if not done already. 
-  * Uninstall Java 8 
-    * execute the following 
-<code -> 
-yum remove java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 
-yum remove java 
-  * Install Java 17 
-    * execute the following 
-<code -> 
-yum install java-17-openjdk-devel.x86_64 
-  * Insert the cacerts file in <JavaHome>/lib/security from your backup if necessary. 
-  * Proceed with **Execute Manual Actions**, **Run Stages Upgrade Installer**  and **Restart Stages** 
-==== Upgrade on CentOS7 or RHEL7 ==== 
-  * We recommend doing all of the following as root in Linux shell. 
-    * Stop stages service 
-<code -> 
-stages stop 
-  * Uninstall java JDK 8 
-    * execute the following 
-<code -> 
-yum remove java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 
-yum remove java 
-  * Install Java JDK 17 
-    * e.g. with Adoptium Temurin OpenJDK, execute the following 
-      * [[https://adoptium.net/de/installation/linux/|Install instructions are copied from official Adoptium documentation]] 
-<code -> 
-## Create repo file 
-touch /etc/yum.repos.d/adoptium.repo 
-## Fill repo with information 
-## # Uncomment and change the distribution name if you are not using CentOS/RHEL/Fedora 
-cat <<EOF> /etc/yum.repos.d/adoptium.repo 
-baseurl=https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/rpm/${DISTRIBUTION_NAME:-$(. /etc/os-release; echo $ID)}/\$releasever/\$basearch 
-# Install JDK17 
-yum install temurin-17-jdk 
-  * Set JAVA_HOME & PATH variable when system is restarting 
-Insert the following into a new file "/etc/profile.d/java_home.sh" 
-<code -> 
-export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:/bin/java::") 
-export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin 
-  * Restart the Server 
-  * Insert the cacerts file in <JavaHome>/lib/security from your backup if necessary. 
-  * Proceed with **Execute Manuel Actions**, **Run Stages Upgrade Installer**  and **Restart Stages.** 
 ===== Execute Manual Actions ===== ===== Execute Manual Actions =====
-(Manual Actions have to be done before running Upgrade Installer,  make sure stages and StagesSearch service is stopped before executing  ) +(Manual Actions have to be done before running Upgrade Installer,  make sure stages and StagesSearch service is stopped before executing)
- +
-  * Reset the Stages Search index by deleting content of folder: ''<stages_install_folder>/stages/elasticsearch/data'' +
-  * Reset Elasticsearch options by deleting/rename file: ''<stages_install_folder>/stages/elasticsearch/config/jvm.options'' +
-  * Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location where JDK 17 is installed. +
-    * On Windows: JAVA_HOME must be be changed in: ''<stages_install_folder>/stages/config.bat'' +
-    * On Linux: CONF_JAVA_HOME needs to be set in: ''<stages_install_folder>/stages/bin/rc.conf'' +
- +
-* On Linux you will get the path if installed via yum by executing: +
- +
-<code -> +
-readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:/bin/java::" +
-</code> +
- +
-===== Run Stages Upgrade Installer =====+
 Linux: execute ''sudo rpm -Uvh stages-…rpm''  or ''sudo yum localinstall stages-…rpm'', depending on your Linux flavor Linux: execute ''sudo rpm -Uvh stages-…rpm''  or ''sudo yum localinstall stages-…rpm'', depending on your Linux flavor
-Windows: execute Stages V7.10 Windows installer in an administrative command prompt and follow the assistant steps+Windows: execute Stages V7.11 Windows installer in an administrative command prompt and follow the assistant steps
 ===== Restart Stages ===== ===== Restart Stages =====