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711:users_groups_permissions [2024/08/29 14:19] – created - external edit [2024/09/30 09:11] (current) – [Manage Users, Groups, and Permissions] Weinlein, Thomas
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 ====== Manage Users, Groups, and Permissions ====== ====== Manage Users, Groups, and Permissions ======
-In version 7.10, the following permission domain have been added:+In version 7.11, the following permission domains have beed added: 
 +  * ''AI Prompts'': allow users to edit the AI prompts to generate and refine process element descriptions. (This feature is only available on managed service.) 
 +  * ''API Tokens'': allow users to generate API tokens for external services to authenticate against the new [[user_groups_permissions_scim|SCIM API]]. 
 +In version 7.10, the following permission domains have been added:
   * ''Process Cleanup'': allow users to create rules for automatic archiving and deletion of old process versions for better performance and overview   * ''Process Cleanup'': allow users to create rules for automatic archiving and deletion of old process versions for better performance and overview
   * ''Superuser Mode'': allow users to temporarily assume superuser privileges using their own profile   * ''Superuser Mode'': allow users to temporarily assume superuser privileges using their own profile
 In version 7.9, the following permission domain has been added: In version 7.9, the following permission domain has been added:
   * ''Process Interface Release'': allow users to release process interfaces   * ''Process Interface Release'': allow users to release process interfaces
 In version 7.8, no new permission domains have been added and no license features were modified. In version 7.8, no new permission domains have been added and no license features were modified.
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   * ''PDF Export'': allow users to create and download PDF exports   * ''PDF Export'': allow users to create and download PDF exports
 In version 7.6, the following permission domains have been added: In version 7.6, the following permission domains have been added:
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   * ''Process Participant Assignments'': assign users to participants   * ''Process Participant Assignments'': assign users to participants
   * ''Process Release Administration'': control edit access to process release workflows.   * ''Process Release Administration'': control edit access to process release workflows.
 In version 7.5, the following permission domains have been added: In version 7.5, the following permission domains have been added:
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   * ''Role-to-User Group Assignments'': assign roles to user groups   * ''Role-to-User Group Assignments'': assign roles to user groups
   * ''User-to-Role Assignments'': assign users to roles   * ''User-to-Role Assignments'': assign users to roles
-Detailed guidance for the various user actions and which permissions they require can be found in this {{:710:permissions_matrix_710.xlsx|Permissions Matrix}}. 
-The dependencies between permissions and licenses needed can be found in the [[:711:stages-permission-license-matrix|]].+Detailed guidance for the various user actions and which permissions they require can be found in this {{:711:permissions_matrix_711.xlsx|Permissions Matrix}}. 
 +The dependencies between permissions and licenses needed can be found in the [[:711:stages-permission-license-matrix]].