Attention! The file “element-mapping.json” gets overwritten on Stages updates. Create a backup copy if you want to save your work.
For multi language support the following steps have to be executed:
(Delete the nodes folder in “<Stages Installation Directory>\elasticsearch\data\nodes”)
(Currently, it is not necessary to modify the other search configuration files “user-mapping.json” and “workspace-mapping.json”.)
"name_analyzer_en": { "type": "custom", "tokenizer": "standard", "filter": [ "lowercase", "icu_folding", "possessive_stemmer_en", "stemmer_en", "edge_ngram" ], "char_filter" : [ "icu_normalizer" ] }
"name_analyzer_ko": { "type": "custom", "tokenizer": "standard", "filter": [ "lowercase", "icu_folding", "edge_ngram" ], "char_filter" : [ "icu_normalizer" ] }
Help for configuring the specifics of your language (e.g. stemming, stop words, tokenizing and filtering…) which provides optimized search results can be found here:
(To verify if the index creation is completed, open “stages.log” and search for the log message “Started creation/update of search index for all workspaces.”)