LDAP Synchronization

Mapping LDAP Attributes to Stages

LDAP user attributes are mapped to Stages user attributes during synchronization. The corresponding mapping tags are thereby nested in the ldap-provider tag, so that a valid specification structure looks as follows:

<ldap-provider url=„SERVER_URL“ key=„AUTHENTICATION_KEY>
 <ldap-attribute name="SOME_NAME" id="SOME_ID"/>

As implied in the example given above, the ldap-attribute tag has two attributes, which both are required:

NOTE: Every ldap-provider tag must at least contain one ldap-attribute tag

The name Attribute

The name attribute specifies the Stages user attribute to which the LDAP attribute should be assigned to. Possible values of that attribute are:

The id Attribute

The id attribute specifies the LDAP attribute that should be mapped to the corresponding Stages user attribute. As the names of the LDAP attributes depend on the design and structure of the LDAP directory to be queried, the possible values of the id attribute are not limited to a certain set.

Mapping Example

The following example shows a mapping from LDAP user attributes to Stages user attributes.

<ldap-attribute name="username" id="sAMAccountName"/>
<ldap-attribute name="fullname" id="displayName"/>
<ldap-attribute name="email" id="mail"/>

The LDAP attribute sAMAccountNameis mapped to usernamefor example.