Table of Contents

Install System

Perform basic installation


create user 'stages' identified by 'pass';
grant all privileges on *.* to 'stages'@'%';
flush privileges;
mysqladmin -uroot -p<mysql-root-password> create stages
mysql -uroot -p<mysql-root-password> stages <[PATH TO DUMP FILE\stages7_mysql_content.sql]
torque.database.default.driver = com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
torque.database.default.adapter = DBMM
torque.database.default.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/stages?zeroDateTimeBehavior=round&jdbcCompliantTruncation=false
torque.database.default.username = stages
torque.database.default.password = <stages-password>
## settings for oracle

## hint: ensure that torque.database.default.adapter = DBMM is commented out or deleted

(Optional) Secure MySQL connection with SSL

If you want to secure your MySQL connection with SSL you need to provide the server certificate to the MySQL driver. To do this follow these steps:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -importcert -alias MySQLCACert -file ca.pem -keystore truststore.jks -storepass mypassword
torque.database.default.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/stages?zeroDateTimeBehavior=round&jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&useSSL=true&clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl=file:/opt/stages/conf/truststore&clientCertificateKeyStorePassword=mypassword

Configure Virus Scanner

If you are using a virus scanner on your Stages server, please exclude all MySQL database files from analysis operations as this might corrupt your database. Also excluding Stages installation directory and Java installation directory might significantly improve Stages performance.

Adjust Java Heap Space

Depending on the desired performance and the purpose of your Stages Server, we strongly suggest to adjust the Java heap space according to the following values:

Please check System Requirements for Stages for detailed information on the range levels.

To adjust the Java heap space settings please proceed as follows:

Install customer specific metamodel (if available)

If a customer specific metamodel has been migrated from Stages V6 to V7 by a Method Park product consultant, this metamodel will be provided as *.mm file. To install the metamodel please proceed as follows:

Install Fonts

If you want to use international UTF-8 charsets (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean), you have to configure Stages to use appropriate fonts for process visualizations and PDF printing. Examples are Arial Unicode MS (subject to add. license conditions) or Source Han Sans (SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE):

Place the custom font in your <Stages installation path>/conf/fonts folder.

Configure font for Stages process visualizations (metamodel: Unified Configuration):

<property name=“diagram.font” value=“Source Han Sans:SourceHanSans-Regular.ttf”/>

Configure font for Stages PDF printing:

Install Stages license

Configure SSL

To encrypt all connections between the users and Stages, we strongly recommend to configure SSL for the Stages server.
In addition to the following guidelines, a detailed guide on how to easily configure SSL with Stages can be found here.

    <display-name>Enforce HTTPS</display-name>
        <description>Force SSL for all connections.</description>

Add CAs to your TrustStore

For using reports in Stages, you need to add your companies root certificate and all Intermediate certificates (if existing) to the server Java truststore. The Java truststore includes all trusted root certificates. If a report tries to connect via SSL to your Stages server, it will be not executed correctly, because Java does not trust the SSL certificate. It was not issued by a Java trusted certificate authority - included in the Java truststore.

(Linux directories may varify)

Accessing Stages

After successful installation process - Stages is accessible via web browser by URL https://localhost:8443 or http://localhost:8080 (depending on the SSL port)

Change password of "root" user

Log in with the “root” user and the provided password. Click on the “Superuser” link in the bottom left corner of the navigation and change the password to a secure and unique one.

Prepare Stages for productive usage


Delete all users except Superuser and Default, especially the demo users.


Delete the workspaces ”Samples“ and ”Proof of Concept“ or move them under ”Archive“.


Delete all groups starting with “Samples …”.

Further setup

Please contact your Method Park Product Consultant to further adapt the Stages process content for productive usage.