Find conceptional guidance here: Model and Manage Process Execution
Download the Plugin from
To install the Stages Process Management for Rational Team Concert plug-in, do the following steps:
[[https://<jazz|https://<jazz]] server host>:<jazz port>/<application URI>/admin
If you have Apache Ant available, you can use the included Ant script for automatic installation of the Stages Process Management for Rational Team Concert plug-in. This script copies the update site into the desired installation directory and generates a provision profile that contains the correct path of the installation directory.
The scribt takes the following parameters:
Use the following steps for installation using the Ant script:
ant -Dtarget.dir=<InstallationDirectory> -Dtarget.server=<JazzTeamServerDirectory>
__NOTE__: The installation directory of the update site should not be within your Jazz Team Server installation directory. Otherwise, the update site will be deleted when the Jazz Team Server is upgraded or reinstalled. In this case you have to repeat this procedure.
https://<jazz server host>:<jazz port>/<application URI>/admin?
the de.methodpark.rtc.plugin should list the following services: