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Accessing Report Parameter through a Data Set Script

This example shows how to pass a report paramter to a Stages Data Set collection script.

1. Create a Report with a Stages Data Source and a Data Set

2. Create the following Data Set result columns:


3. Define a two report parameter.

4. Copy the following Data Set beforeOpen script.

Notice: The following script retrieves the parameter values and replaces the paramter place holders /*Parameter_Multiselect*/ and /*Paramter*/ with the report parameter value just before the data set is executed.

parameters = reportContext.getParameterValue("Parameter_Multiselect");
var FilterArray = "";
if (parameters != null) {
 if ( typeof parameters.length == 'function') {
 FilterArray = "\"" + parameters + "\"";
 else {
 for( i=0; i <parameters.length; i++ ){
 if( i == 0 ){
 FilterArray = FilterArray + "\""+parameters[i]+"\"";
 FilterArray = FilterArray + ",\""+parameters[i]+"\"";
tmp = this.queryText.replace("/*Parameter_Multiselect*/",FilterArray);
this.queryText = tmp;
tmp = this.queryText.replace("/
this.queryText = tmp;

5. Copy the data Set script from the example into your Data Set.

function debug(str) {
Paramater_Multiselect = new Array(/*Parameter_Multiselect*/);
Parameter = new String("/*Parameter*/");
for each (value in Paramater_Multiselect) {