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Configuration of LDAP Directories to be Synchronized

The ondemandFilter Attribute

This attribute is required for user auto-creation and/or on-demand synchronization mode. It allows the Stages system to query the LDAP server for specific users by their Stages login name. The attribute value a query filter like the searchFilter attribute, except that it is meant for unique queries.

The ondemandFilter must contain the placeholder character “%” that will be replaced by the username when queries on the LDAP repository are made.

Example: ondemandFilter=“(sAMAccountName=%,cn=Users,dc=methodpark,dc=com)”

The matchUsersMode Attribute

The matchUserMode attribute specifies how LDAP user entries are matched to Stages users when no mapping can be performed using the special _KEY attribute.

Possible values for the matchUserMode attribute are:

  • username
  • fullname
  • email

If no explicit value is set for that attribute then the username will be used for that purpose.

The adoptUsers attribute

Stages distinguishes between local user accounts and LDAP user accounts in its user database. The adoptUsers attribute can be used to convert a local user account to an LDAP account if the user can be identified via the matchUserMode attribute. To enable the user account conversion the adoptUser attribute has to be set to “true“. The conversion is disabled by default.

The generateDN attribute

If the directory server does not provide a distinguished name attribute for its entries, the generateDn attribute can be set to “true“ to calculate the distinguished name automatically.

The defaultLicenseType attribute

The defaultLicenseType attribute specifies which license type shall be granted to a newly created LDAP user. Possible values for that attribute are:

  • QM
  • PM
  • Dev
  • none

The specified license type is only assigned if the corresponding license limit for that type is not reached. If the defaultLicenseType attribute is not specified then the value of the configuration property license.types.initialType is used for that purpose.