Table of Contents

Prepare your Process for Phase Freeze

Preconditions and Rules



Configure Phase Freeze Support in the Metamodel

Phase Freeze needs to be enabled in the process metamodel in Process.xml. There you have to specify which subtypes of which element represent the entity to be frozen (phase root). In a typical case, you want to freeze a phase of your process, but not milestones which are also of type phase. Additionally, a Stages Script file needs to be configured to collect all dependent elements of the frozen phase that should get frozen when the phase itself is frozen. (See example configuration below)

<processtype ident="...">
<element ident="phase" subtypes="phase
milestone" **freezableSubtypes="phase" freezeScript="local/freeze/

Freeze Script Programming

The freeze script is used to determine the scope of the phase to freeze. It will call for an element of a freezable subtype and needs to collect all process elements that are part of that phase as well as all associations that need to get frozen. For all associations, it is possible to distinguish between freezing the association as is, or converting it to a comment. This is especially useful at the border of a phase or for associations of elements that are shared between phases. As shared elements are duplicated, freezing their associations as is would result in the target element to get associations to all copies, which might not be the desired behavior.

currentElementIBaseElementThe phase root element.
moduleElementSetSetThe result set to be filled with all elements to be frozen together with the current phase (currentElement).
moduleAssocSetSetThe result set to be filled with all associations to be frozen together with the current phase (currentElement).
moduleAssocToCommentSetSetThe result to be filed with all associations to be converted to comments when frozen together with the current phase (currentElement). It needs to be a subset of moduleAssocSet.
logLoggerA means to log messages to the Stages log file.


The phase is here defined by the phase root element, its sequence associations and executed activities including their outputs. The responsible roles of the activities are converted to comments.


function getSelfAndTransitiveChildren(self) {
var result = new Array();
var children =
for (var i = 0; i <children.length; ++i) {
result = result.concat(getSelfAndTransitiveChildren(children[i]));
return result;
function getAssociatedElementsCollectAssocs(source, assocType,
sourceRole, assocSet, remoteAssocSet) {
var assocSpec;
if (sourceRole === null) {
assocSpec = assocType;
} else {
assocSpec = assocType + ",sourcerole=" + sourceRole;
var assocsForward = source.getAssociations(assocSpec);
var targets = new Array();
for (var j = 0; j <assocsForward.length; j++) {
var forwardAssoc = assocsForward[j];
var isRemoteAssoc = forwardAssoc.isRemote();
//remote associations are converted to comments
if (isRemoteAssoc) {
var assocTarget = forwardAssoc.getTarget();
if (!(assocTarget instanceof MockElement)) {
// do not collect remote elements
if (!isRemoteAssoc) {
return targets;
function convertToComment(source, assocType, sourceRole, assocSet,
commentAssocSet) {
var assocSpec= assocType;
if (sourceRole !== null) {
assocSpec = assocSpec + ",sourcerole=" + sourceRole;
var assocsForward = source.getAssociations(assocSpec);
for (var j = 0; j <assocsForward.length; j++) {
var forwardAssoc = assocsForward[j];
//start of script execution ----------------------------------
//freeze all children of the phase
var phases = getSelfAndTransitiveChildren(currentElement);
Collections.addAll(moduleElementSet, phases);
//freeze the predecessor and successor associations but not the
associated phases themselves
getAssociatedElementsCollectAssocs(currentElement, "sequence",
"predecessor", moduleAssocSet, moduleAssocToCommentSet);
getAssociatedElementsCollectAssocs(currentElement, "sequence",
"successor", moduleAssocSet, moduleAssocToCommentSet);
//freeze all the activities associated to one of the frozen phase
var allActivities = new Array();
for (var k = 0; k <phases.length; k++) {
//Add associated 'execute' activities:
var associatedActivities = getAssociatedElementsCollectAssocs(phases[k],
"execute", null, moduleAssocSet, moduleAssocToCommentSet);
allActivities = allActivities.concat(associatedActivities);
Collections.addAll(moduleElementSet, allActivities);
var allOutputs = new Array();
for (var l = 0; l <allActivities.length; l++) {
//Freeze the output artifacts of the activities:
var outputs = getAssociatedElementsCollectAssocs(allActivities[l],
"output", null, moduleAssocSet, moduleAssocToCommentSet);
allOutputs = allOutputs.concat(outputs);
//convert responsible roles to comments
convertToComment(allActivities[l], "responsible", null, moduleAssocSet,
Collections.addAll(moduleElementSet, allOutputs);