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Subversion Configuration

Host-Specific Configuration Properties

Some properties can be defined per Subversion server, i.e. in a cms-host section.

Property NameDefault ValueDescription
You may enter the Subversion username for the Stages system account here instead of the corresponding field Username in the CMS profile. If both values exist, the username from the CMS profile is preferred.

You may enter the Subversion password for the Stages system account here instead of the corresponding field Password in the CMS profile. If both values exist, the password from the CMS profile is preferred.

You may enter the Subversion default domain for the Stages system account, and all user accounts. (Only necessary for NTLM authentication)

http.authentication.hostname (required for NTLM authentication)
The host name of the server that runs Stages and is allowed to authenticate via NTLM against the Subversion server

The timeout in milliseconds until a HTTP connection has to be established and the maximum period of inactivity (in milliseconds) between two consecutive data packets before the socket is closed.

The maximum number of simultaneously used HTTP connections between Stages and the Subversion Server.

When set to <font inherit/Courier New,Courier,monospace;;inherit;;inherit>true</font>, disables any verification checks for certificates in case of SSL-secured HTTPS connections. It is recommended to only use this in test environments where no valid certificates exist (e.g. self-signed certificates).