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Use Copy, Move and Sort

All the process elements in Stages can potentially be copied over or moved or sorted. Irrespective of the element type (activity, guidance, work product, etc), the steps to copy, move or sort are fairly similar.


A process element can be copied over from one folder to another in same workspace, as well as in different workspace. To copy multiple elements click or tap on three dots at top level as shown in (1) and click or tap on 'Copy. Using this option, you can place a check on multiple elements and they will be copied in one go.

To copy a specific element only click or tap on three dots next to the name of the element as shown in (2) and click or tap on 'Copy' .

Once the element to be copied has been selected, navigate to the folder in same workspace or different workspace and click or tap on 'Paste' to paste the copied element(s)

Note that when a folder containing set of roles, work products or guidance is copied over, the contents within the folder also get copied.

When elements are copied or moved, there are additional considerations that should be kept in mind before taking an action. In case of copying a workflow/activity, if the associated process elements like roles, work products and guidance from the same workspace are not manually copied to target workspace, then those associations are not copied by default. However, process interface to elements in other workspaces are retained and will continue been associated in the same way as they did in the source workspace.

If the associated elements from same source workspace should also appear in the target workspace, then should also be copied over from the source to target workspace.

This is true not only for workflow and activities, but also other process elements. If a role/work product/guidance is copied over from one workspace to another, then any associations it had within elements from source workspace will no longer appear in target workspace. However, process interface with elements from different workspaces will.