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Back to CMS Configuration

Sharepoint Online

Example Configuration

<cms-type name="sharepointonlinegraph">
    <!-- Global Properties -->
    <cms-host ident="" name="" displayName="SharePoint Online Example">
        <!-- Host Properties -->
        <cms-property name="" value="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" />
        <cms-property name="client.secret" value="xxxxxx" />
        <cms-property name="" value="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" />
        <cms-property name="" value="_Status" />

Host Properties

These configuration properties affect the behavior of one SharePoint Online server.
Properties marked with * are required for the adapter to work. Properties marked with + are required, but there is a default value. This values can be overridden by configuring it in the config.xml.

* Required
+ Required but with default *
  • Description: The client id of the stages application, which has to be registered at the Microsoft azure portal website.
client.secret *
  • Description: The client secret, which can be generated after registering the stages application at the Microsoft azure portal website. *
  • Description: The tenant id identifies your company when using Microsoft Services. You can get this id at the Microsoft azure portal website.
loginserver +
  • Default Value:
  • Description: The URL to the login server used for OAuth2 authentication. Stages appends /oauth2/v2.0/authorize , to authorize the access. For receiving tokens, /oauth2/v2.0/token will be appended to the login server address.
scope +
  • Description: This property specifies a column name, which will be used by stages to store the file status. +
  • Default Value: Document
  • Description: Name of the document content type. Sharepoint supports multiple content types but stages only supports the default type for documents. +
  • Default Value: Link to a document
  • Description: The second content type which is supported by stages. +
  • Default Value: false
  • Description: When set to true, files will be downloaded using the system account.

Azure Portal


Every application registered at the Microsoft azure portal can register Redirect URIs in the Authentication section of the applications registration page shown in the picture below.

For the authentication process to work, you have to add the following redirect to the list:

  • Protocol: Microsoft only accepts https expect for testing scenarios on localhost (then http is valid as well)
  • Stages-hostname: Hostname of the server, users can access the Stages application
  • Port: Port Stages is running on (80 for http, 443 for https) or any other custom port

API Permissions

In addition to the Redirect URIs, the application needs permissions for file handling in behalf of the user. The picture below shows, how this should look like:

Known Issues

Commit comments for file versions

For each checkin of a file, the user can attach a comment for the version which gets created. The Microsoft Endpoint, which is used to read that information, delivers the same checkin comment for each version. This comment is simply the latest checkin comment. (Opened issue at Github)

Behavior of Lock/Unlock

Currently, the graph API only supports checkin/checkout and no Undo-Checkout. So for every lock/unlock a new version of that file is created in sharepoint online.

Initial commit

Creates two versions (one for the creation of a new file/ second for updating the properties)