This is an old revision of the document!

For configuration of the visualization font please choose one of the following options:

Option 1 [recommended]

  1. Place the font file in the folder webapp/fonts
  2. Add the diagram.font.list property to your config.xml file in the following way:
    <property name=“diagram.font.list” value=“Pacifico:/fonts/Pacifico-Regular.ttf”/>
  3. Update your scriptconfig.js like this: var FONTNAME = “Pacifico”

Caution: On update / upgrade your font file will be removed and this steps has to be redone.

Option 2

  1. Place the font file in your own folder
  2. Add the diagram.font.list property to your config.xml file in the following way:
    <property name=“diagram.font.list” value=“Pacifico:C:/yourownfolder/Pacifico-Regular.ttf”/> - Update your scriptconfig.js like this: var FONTNAME = “Pacifico” ====== Trouble Shooting ====== If Option 2 doesn't work try adding the path you described as a JVW parameter: -Dsun.java2d.fontpath=“c:/yourownfolder” * Empty your browser cache to make sure the new font is cached properly