Exporting a process for translation

Enable “Use Multiple Languages” option via Administration>Workspaces (3-point-menue Edit > Properties) is precondition for exporting/importing processes for translation.

Step by Step

  1. Click “Export for Translation” in the context menu of the process version that you want to export.
  2. A .zip file download will be created. This .zip file contains the process element names and descriptions in the default language of the current workspace.
  3. The translator is expected to modify the contents of this .zip file and create an updated .zip file with the same format when translation is finished. This .zip file can be reimported into Stages.

Translation Exchange Format

The translation .zip file contains one folder for every translatable process element (including the process start page, tailoring and description elements).

translation export folders (example)

The folder names have the following format:

The <italic> parts in the folder names and the “$” characters must be preserved by the translation tool when the file is reexported.

In every folder, there are at most two files:

The translation tool must preserve these file names, however, it is allowed to append a string immediately before the “.” (e.g. rename description.html to description_de.html when translating into German. In description.html the description is surrounded by a div element with class stages_description. This element must also be preserved.

Two more files that do not contain process content are exported:

All files are exported with the character encoding that is configured in the global.defaultEncoding configuration property. The file encoding should be preserved by the translation tool.