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Release Notes for Stages V7.4

More and more organizations develop products across different locations and time zones in international teams using several languages. To enable seamless communication, Stages 7.4 adds capabilities to concurrently model, execute, and maintain processes in multiple languages.

The new version also allows end users to see changes between process versions directly in the models and has many more user experience enhancements based on customer feedback.

The major highlight for process users is certainly the Scroll like Google Maps feature to handle large process visualizations.

Multilingual Processes

With the new version, Stages can manage the same process in different languages in a single model.

Process content can be translated directly in Stages or can be exported and re-imported for automatic translation.

The processes are then displayed in the language the users have selected in their profiles. Content that is not yet translated to the desired language will be displayed in the workspace default language. This also applies to seach results. This allows to translate a process step by step.

Show Process Changes

End User is being notified of new process version

Can start compare mode

Compare Process Versions

“Process > Start Comparison”

Select other version and/or workspace

Versions need to be derived from each other

Changes are calculated on first comparison and then stored, unless one of the version is a Working Version

Valid Process Version History

“Management > Process Versions > Validity”

Scroll like Google Maps

New process elements are sorted by creation time

Newly created process elements are now sorted by their creation time and not alphabetically. This removes the need to manually sort phases, milestones, or activities after creating them, because those are typically ordered on a time basis.

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Sorting elements alphabetically is still supported via the Sort dialog.

Use description templates

Descriptions for processes, roles, or metrics typically should follow a certain structure. For example, a role description should contain the necessary skills and authorities that a person fulfilling the role needs to possess.

To make it easier to follow this structure, description templates can now be defined via Management > Descriptions and used via a new editor menu.

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If you are using a process architecture with a common process module like “Common Elements”, that module would be the ideal place for them. This way the templates are are available in all workspaces where processes are defined, which makes your process landscape more consistent and complete.

Jump to headings in descriptions

Process modellers can set links to headings and other parts of descriptions. In this way process viewers can jump quickly to the currently needed parts of the information.

Create new files from templates

New files can be created directly from linked templates. This reduces effort, especially for reappearing tasks (e.g. uploading review protocols).

User experience enhancements

Navigation can be folded

Descriptions can be folded

Tabs are better visible

Colors have been optimized for better readability.

New search result layout.

Multilevel Selection for Tailoring Dependencies

Integration with Sharepoint Online

Repositories for project work products, templates, checklists, and other files in Sharepoint Online can now also be directly used in Stages.

See here for more information how to configure and use them.

Jira Feedback now supports access via API gateways

…spezielle Variante die Renault mit einem Api-Gateway benutzt. Konkret: OAuth 2.0 Password Grant. Das kann nämlich zu Verwechselungen kommen. Jira selber unterstützt nämlich neben Basic Auth nur eine OAuth 1.0 variante, sonst nichts.

Other Enhancements and Changes

Process elements belonging to a process module that are moved within a target workspace now remain in their new location when the process module is being updated. This way, the hierarchy of a process module can be adjusted in a target workspace.

Compliance mappings of processes against one version of a reference model can now be automatically transferred to a newer reference model version by executing the transferMappings script on the server. This allows customers that have mapped their processes against Automotive SPICE 2.5 and ISO 26262:2011 to easily upgrade them to Automotive SPICE 3.1 and ISO 26262:2018.

Added Privileges for Project Manager and Viewer License Types

Users assigned to Project Manager licenses can now be allowed to create new process versions and release those versions as valid. Of course, the access to those features is still only possible if the respective permissions are granted. This way, experienced project managers can now be empowered to perform the full process lifecycle by themselves without requiring support from users with Modeler licenses:

  • Select process modules
  • Tailor the processes through the tailoring assistant
  • Perform manual tailoring optimizations
  • Create a process version
  • Release it as valid for the process participants in the project

Users with Viewer licenses can now also see compliance mappings. To enable, add a read permission with domain “Compliance” to the respective user group.

New Permission Domains

Feedback (Provide Feedback in JIRA)

Mandatory Manual Upgrade Steps for Version 7.4

These actions need to be executed after upgrading to Stages 7.4 from previous Stages 7 versions:

  • Custom implementations of the de.methodpark.stages.fileservice.preset.logic.Suggestor need to be recompiled against this Stages version
  • Custom implementation of process validators / constraint checks may need to be adjusted and recompiled against this Stages version

Known Issues

When a monolingual workspace is made multilingual, the workspace language shall be set to the current language of the process content. Otherwise original element descriptions could be accidently overwritten on editing if element descriptions are edited in the new workspace language.