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Process Feedback Redmine specific

First of all, create or choose a Redmine project where the feedback will be collected.

Stages will use the Redmine REST API interface to create the items.

Stages config.xml

To enable the following configuration section must be added in the conf/config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <!-- Insert this block to your stages config.xml file -->
  <feedback-system name="redmine">
    <!-- Url to the Redmine server -->
    <host url="">
      <!-- The api access key to authenticate against the Redmine server -->
      <property name="apiAccessKey" value="*****" />
      <!-- Set the project identifier where the issue should be created in -->
      <property name="projectIdentifier" value="myProjectIdentifier" />
      <!-- The summary field will always be available and is automatically mapped to the "subject" field  -->
      The user will be asked to enter the following text fields. All text fields are optional.
      - The "ident" must be unique and is used to identify the right translation property.
      - The "target" defines the name of the field in Redmine (e.g. "assigned_to_id").
      - The targetType defines whether the value is a custom attribute or built-in and defines the type of the value.
      - e.g. targetType="custom.text" targetType="custom.user"
      - "custom" defaults to "custom.text"
      - missing targetType defaults to "text"
        <attribute ident="description" type="text" target="Description" targetType="longtext" />
      You can map element specify information to your Redmine item. These sources are available:
      - elementUrl e.g.
      - workspaceName e.g. "Software Engineering"
      - workspacePath e.g. "Company | Software"
      - creatorFullname "John Doe"
      - creatorUsername "jdoe"
      The "target" defines the custom field id for the field in Redmine (e.g. "1").
      (To get the custom field ids go to[issueId].json)
      Optional: The targetType defines the type of the Redmine field. Supported fields see below.
        <attribute source="elementUrl" target="Element Url" />
        <attribute source="workspaceName" target="Workspace Name" />
        <attribute source="workspacePath" target="Workspace Path" />
        <attribute source="creatorFullname" target="Creator Fullname" />
        <attribute source="creatorUsername" target="Assigned User" targetType="user"/>

Supported Redmine Issue Fields

  • subject: targetType=“”
  • description: targetType=“ * assigned_to_id: targetType=”'user'“ * custom_fields: targetType=”'custom[.targetType]'“ → See section about custom fields ==== Supported Redmine Custom Fields ===== Custom fields have a unique ID and can be written using this ID. For example: <attribute ident=“customURL” type=“text” target=“1” targetType=“custom”/> Supported Custom Field Types: * Text: “targetType=“custom” * Long text: “targetType=”'custom'” * Boolean: “targetType=“custom” * Link: “targetType=“custom''” * User: “targetType=”'custom.user'”