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Process Feedback RTC specific

Stages config.xml

To enable the RTC Feedback-System, the following configuration section must be added in the conf/config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <!-- Insert this block to your stages config.xml file -->
  <feedback-system name="rtc">
    <host url="">
      <!-- Name of the project area, which will contain all the work items created by stages -->
      <property name="projectAreaName" value="Scrum Demo" />
      <!-- Type of the work item, which will be created by stages -->
      <property name="workItemType" value="task" />
        Please only enable, if you know what you are doing here
        Can be enabled, if your RTC server uses untrusted (or self-signed) ssl certificates
      <property name="trustSsl" value="true" />
      <!-- The Username to access the RTC server and create work items -->
      <property name="username" value="admin" />
      <!-- The corresponding password -->
      <property name="password" value="admin" />
        Authentication Method, to log into the RTC server
        Possible values are: "basic", "form" and "jas"
      <property name="authenticationMethod" value="form" />
        The user will be asked to enter the following text fields. All text fields are optional.
        - The "ident" must be unique and is used to identify the right translation property.
        - The "type" defines, if the field is a multi-line text ("text") or a single line string ("string").
        - The "target" defines the id of the custom attribute in RTC (e.g. "some.custom.attribute").
        - Optional: The targetType defines the type of the RTC attribute. For supported RTC target types see below.
        <attribute ident="text" type="text" target="test.text" />
        <attribute ident="boolean" type="text" target="test.boolean" />
        <attribute ident="description" type="text" target="description" />
        You can map Stages-Element specify information to your RTC work item. These sources are available:
        - elementUrl e.g.
        - workspaceName e.g. "Software Engineering"
        - workspacePath e.g. "Company | Software"
        - creatorFullname "John Doe"
        - creatorUsername "jdoe"
        The "target" defines the id for the custom attribute in RTC (e.g. "some.custom.attribute").
        Optional: The targetType defines the type of the RTC attribute. For supported RTC target types see below.
        <attribute source="creatorFullname" target="test.user" targetType="contributor" />
        <attribute source="elementUrl" target="" />