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MySQL Requirements

Native MySQL installation

Stages supports MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 Community Editions.

The transaction isolation must be set to “READ-COMMITTED” in my.cnf.

Increase the “innodb_lock_wait_timeout” system variable to something larger than 50 seconds (which is the default value) when you encounter “Lock wait timeout exceeded” errors.

Stages uses the INNODB engine. This can have impact on the server backup strategy, because INNODB files tend to become very large.

If you run Stages with a MySQL database and have a virus scanner installed on the same server, please make sure that the virus scanner is not scanning the database directory as this might lead to database inconsistencies. This problem is a known MySQL error and Oracle is advising to proceed as described.

The Windows 7 search feature causes the same kind of problems as a virus scanner. Please disable this feature on the Stages server.

Azure MySQL DB

For installing Stages with the Azure MySQL DB, all of the above applies as well.

In addition, the log_bin_trust_function_creators parameter of Azure MySQL DB must be set to 1. See here for more info.

The connection timeout for Azure MySQL DB might be set very low. If you see connection errors after a while, you should set the connection timeout for Stages to 100 seconds via




All of the native MySQL requirements from above also apply.

Required MySQL permissions

The Stages user needs the following permissions for the database that is configured in

  • <font inherit/Courier New,Courier,monospace;;inherit;;inherit>ALTER, CREATE, DELETE, DROP, INDEX, INSERT, REFERENCES, SELECT, TRIGGER, UPDATE</font>

Additionally, one of the following is required:

  • The SUPER privilege, globally:
    <font inherit/Courier New,Courier,monospace;;inherit;;inherit>GRANT SUPER ON *.* TO 'stages'@'localhost';</font>
  • <font inherit/Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>If this is not desirable, binary logging has to be disabled. Add the following line to the MySQL configuration file:</font>
    <font inherit/Courier New,Courier,monospace;;inherit;;inherit>disable_log_bin</font>