Table of Contents

Process Execution with Atlassian Jira

Find conceptional guidance here: Model and Manage Process Execution

Plugin installation

Install Method Park Stages Plugin for Jira from Atlassian Marketplace.

Project configuration

To enable Process Execution for a Jira project it is required to add tow custom fields to your project:

The recommended way is to navigate to Administration → Issues → Custom fields and add both to the screens for the project. In this example we add the field Breakdown ID to all screens of Project “EP”:

Plugin configuration

Additional information and configuration for the plugin can be found in Administration → Manage apps → Method Park Plugin.


Overview if everything is installed correct. It is possible (optional) to add a Issue Link called “Create” which is used by some automation.


Overview list of all projects with Stages automation. It is possible to remove automation for project and get support information for Stages support.


It is possible to define groups which are allowed to change the automation.


Further information