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Database Cleanup

<font 11.0pt/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Important</font> <font 11.0pt/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>: If you have not done so, back up your database before taking any other steps!

Before upgrading to v7, please perform an update to the latest release of v6.

Open a command prompt with administrative rights and stop the Stages service.
Change into \methodpark\stages\bin and start the script

ensureDatabaseIntegrity.bat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
(on Linux systems use</font>

<font 11.0pt/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Please note that the script may take a long time to complete running (up to several days), depending on the size of the database and the number of inconsistencies requiring correction. Do not interrupt it as this may damage the database beyond repair!
You can monitor the progress in cleanup.log.

Continue by restarting the Stages service to check functionality.

You may now begin the the v7 upgrade procedure.</font>