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Kerberos Autologin

Windows Tools and Utilities

The Windows Support Tools are located on every server installation CD, but with some versions of Windows they are not installed by default. Please search for a file named “suptools.msi” and install it. The installer package will depend on another file called “” inside the same directory.


Ktpass is a Kerberos utility to create keytab files. Please see chapter 1.3.2 for an example.


With setspn.exe you can list and delete SPN (service principal names) assigned with ktpass.exe. Please see section 1.4.22 of the FAQfor an example on how to use this utility.


Ldp is an LDAP browser useful for evaluating the content of an LDAP directory.

Windows Resource Tools – Kerbtray

Kerbtray is useful to display ticket information for a given computer running the Kerberos protocol. It can be downloaded from Use the search facility and search for the keyword “Kerbtray”.