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How to install the correct fonts (until Stages

This section describes the configuration to create PDF files and process visualizations according to the charset required.

No asian charsets required

If no asian charsets are required - the additional installation of fonts is not required.

Define configuration properties

Windows server OS:
Open file <Stages Installation Directory>\stages\conf\config.xml and check the properties section on top for the following properties and values. Please add or modify the properties below according to your installation parameters:

<property name=“pdf.font.list” value=“<Stages Installation Directory>\stages\tomcat\webapps\stages\fonts\SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf”/>
<property name=“diagram.font” value=“Source Sans Pro:SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf”/>

Linux server OS:
Open file /opt/stages/conf/config.xml and check the poperties section on top for the following properties and values.
Please add or modify the properties below according to your installation parameters:

<property name=“pdf.font.list” value=“/opt/stages/tomcat/webapps/stages/fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf”/>
<property name=“diagram.font” value=“Source Sans Pro:SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf”/>

Check metamodel settings

This is an example on how to check the correct font families to be defined in the unified configuration metamodel.
If you use different metamodels - or older versions of the Unified Configuration Metamodel - the path of the files to check will be different.

Open all *.css files specified in the paths below and check for the following font family definition:
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'

Windows server OS:
<Stages Installation Directory>\stages\data-cache\generated\model\unified_configuration\pdf\1.0\*.css
Linux server OS:

Make sure the scriptconfig.js specified in the paths below is up to date and contains:
var FONTNAME = availableFontFamilies.getConfiguredFont();

Windows server OS:
<Stages Installation Directory>\stages\data-cache\generated\model\unified_configuration\diagram\trunk\configs\scriptconfig.js
Linux server OS:

Please note: This is a temporary fix only - every update of the Stages configuration would revoke your changes. So we strongly suggest to also fix this in your metamodel file (.mm). If you need further help to do so - please contact your Stages Product Consultant or the Stages Support team at Method Park.

Restart Stages service

To make changes take effect - a restart of the Stages service is required.

Windows server OS: Please open the services box with administrative permissions and restart the Stages service
Linux server OS: Restart the stages service with the following command: sudo stages restart

Asian charsets required

To use asian charsets - an additional font is required that supports the charset required. Method Park only provides one font that supports most asian charsets: Source Han Sans

Known Limitations:

  • Source Han Sans doesn't work with the Temurin openJDK v8. If you want to use this font - another Java JDK is required.
  • The alignment of text and/or the line spacing with Source Han Sans might be incorrect.

We strongly suggest to install your own font - only supportig your required charset. If you do so - please adopt the font properties in the following sections according to your font requirements.

Install required font

Please download font Source Han Sans to the following folder on your Stages server:
<Stages installation path>/conf/fonts

Font download source: Source Han Sans (SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE)

Define configuration properties

Windows server OS:
Open file <Stages Installation Directory>\stages\conf\config.xml and check the poperties section on top for the following properties and values. Please add or modify the properties below according to your installation parameters:

<property name=“pdf.font.list” value=“ <Stages Installation Directory>\stages\conf\fonts\SourceHanSans-Regular.ttf”/>
<property name=“diagram.font” value=“Source Han Sans:SourceHanSans-Regular.ttf”/>

Linux server OS:
Open file /opt/stages/conf/config.xml and check the poperties section on top for the following properties and values.
Please add or modify the properties below according to your installation parameters:

<property name=“pdf.font.list” value=“/opt/stages/conf/fonts/SourceHanSans-Regular.ttf”/>
<property name=“diagram.font” value=“Source Han Sans:SourceHanSans-Regular.ttf”/>

Check metamodel settings

This is an example on how to check the correct font families to be defined in the Unified Configuration Metamodel.
If you use different metamodels - or older versions of the Unified Configuration Metamodel - the path of the files to check will be different.

Open all *.css files specified in the paths below and check for the following font family definition:
font-family: 'Source Han Sans'

Windows server OS:
<Stages Installation Directory>\stages\data-cache\generated\model\unified_configuration\pdf\1.0\*.css
Linux server OS:

Make sure the scriptconfig.js specified in the paths below is up to date and contains:
var FONTNAME = availableFontFamilies.getConfiguredFont();

Windows server OS:
<Stages Installation Directory>\stages\data-cache\generated\model\unified_configuration\diagram\trunk\configs\scriptconfig.js
Linux server OS:

Please note: This is a temporary fix only - every update of the Stages configuration would revoke your changes. So we strongly suggest to also fix this in your metamodel file (.mm). If you need further help to do so - please contact your Stages Product Consultant or the Stages Support team at Method Park.

Restart Stages service

To make changes take effect - a restart of the Stages service is required.

Windows server OS: Please open the services box with administrative permissions and restart the Stages service
Linux server OS: Restart the stages service with the following command: sudo stages restart