Mandatory Manual Upgrade Steps for Version 7.5

These actions need to be executed before/after upgrading to Stages 7.5 from previous Stages 7 versions.

General Recommendations Before Upgrading

To be safe in case of any crashes/problems during the update, back up your database (dump) befor the upgrade.
On Linux servers where Stages was started with “stages start” command, it shall be stopped with “stages stop” before the upgrade.

Manual Steps After Upgrading

  • When using MySQL8 - the following settings are needed in /stages/conf/
    • The Connector/J driver must be used ( The Connector/J driver is compatible with MySQL 5.6 and later. Replace the existing connector in the stages/lib directory and execute update.bat/ after that.
    • torque.database.default.adapter=DBMM
    • torque.database.default.driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    • When using the Connector/J driver with MySQL 5.x, the “serverTimezone” parameter may be needed on some systems, too (e.g. serverTimezone=Europe/Berlin). Append it to the “torque.database.default.url”.
    • The old driver ( can still be used with MySQL 5.x
  • Delete the contents of methodpark/stages/elasticsearch/data/nodes/0 and restart Stages after that.
    Note: On Windows “Stages Search” is a separate service that needs to be started before the Stages service. It may take some time until the search index is rebuilt and all search results can be found again.
  • In order to update the diagram font configuration please perform the following steps (only necessary if another font than the standard SourceSansPro shall be used):
    • Copy the font file, you want to use, to the conf/fonts folder
    • Add config property “diagram.font” with value=“<FontFamilyName>:<FileName>” e.g. “Pacifico:Pacifico-Regular.ttf”
    • Run update.bat/
  • The Resources definition in “conf/server.xml” has to be adjusted. Remove the following JarResources inside the <Resources …> tag in server.xml:
    <JarResources className=“org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet” base=“${stages.datacache}/generated/lib” webAppMount=“/WEB-INF/lib” />
    Yes, we know, this had to be added for version 7.4, now we found a better way to do this.
  • If an AJP connector is used in conf/server.xml, it may need to be adapted.
    For servers with more than one IP address, add the address attribute to the connector to specify which address shall be used.
    If the “secret” attribute is not used on the connector, set “secretRequired” attribute to “false”.
    See also:
    <Connector port=“8009” protocol=“AJP/1.3” redirectPort=“8443” secretRequired=“false” address=“” />

Metamodel Configurations After Upgrading

  • Custom implementation of Check Readiness validators may need to be adjusted and recompiled against this Stages version.
  • No incompatibilities between 7.4 and 7.5 are known at this point, but all customizations of your metamodel need to be tested.

The new Unified Configuration version 2.5 already contains those updates.

To update your Stages configuration to Unified Configuration V2.5, or to enhance your customized metamodel to use these new features, please contact your Stages Product Consultant or