Global Script Variables
Description: Set of predefined global variables to be used in Stages data set script or in a collector script.
pkit | stages | $s
- Description: Starting handle to get process information.
- getProjectsByName(str)
- str is the name of a project/workspace
- returns an array of project/workspace elements
- getProjectByPath (str)
- str is the path of a project/workspace, parent are separated by | e.g. Company | Development | Projects | Project A
- returns the project element
- getRootProject()
- returns the root project/workspace element
- getCurrentProject()
- returns the project/workspace element where the report is located
- getAllProjects()
- returns an array of all project/workspace elements
- getCurrentProcess()
- returns the currently viewed process version of the active workspace
- getUserByUsername(userName)
- returns the user identified by the given username
- getAllUsers()
- returns an array of all users
- getAllRoles()
- returns an array of all roles in valid versions
- getAllUserGroups()
- returns an array of all user permission groups
- getAllParticipants()
- returns an array of all participants
- getAllStates()
- returns an array of all release automation states
- getAllWorkflows()
- returns an array of all release automations
- getAllWorkflowInstances()
- returns an array of all running release automations
- getAllTasks()
- returns an array of all open tasks
- getProcessVersionIdentifier()
- returns the identifier for the currently viewed process version
- sqlQuery(query)
- needs config property metrics.sql.enabled
- returns an array of result rows
- Return: void
- Description: Handle to the dataset result set
- Return: MetricFolder
- Description: Returns the report folder
- Return: UserElement
- Description: Returns the current user