Upgrade Java for Stages
If you need to upgrade your Java version please proceed as follows:
- Backup the cacerts file from the location of the existing JDK
or create a new cacerts file including the necessary certificates (e.g. company root certificate). - Install JDK of new Java version on server. Please refer to the system requirements 7.6 for supported JDK editions.
- Copy the cacerts file to the location of the new JDK
- Change JAVA_HOME in <stages>\config.bat according to the location of the new JDK and run <stages>\bin\reinstallservice.bat (as admin).
- Execute the following as root or with sudo
- Create new file that is getting loaded when system is starting/restarting
touch /etc/profile.d/java_home.sh
- Fill the file with variable definition to have an always up to date definition of the JDK in JAVA_HOME and PATH env. variables
cat <<EOF> /etc/profile.d/java_home.sh export JAVA_HOME=\$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:/bin/java::") export PATH=\$PATH:\$JAVA_HOME/bin EOF
- Reload the environment variables with the following command or restart the system
source /etc/profile