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Stages V7.2

Configure the Stages server

Configuration File

Stages can be configured in the <font inherit/Courier New,Courier,monospace;;inherit;;inherit><StagesInstallDir>/tomcat/webapps/pkit/WEB-INF/conf/ PKitConfig.xml</font> configuration file. In its properties section some parameters can be configured by introducing name-value pairs. For information about existing configuration parameters and their effect please contact the Stages support.

The following code configures a value of “” for the configuration property “”:

 <property name="" value=""/>

Configuration of Stages Service Parameter

Stages service can be configured in the tomcat service configuration GUI <font inherit/Courier New,Courier,monospace;;inherit;;inherit><StagesInstallDir>\tomcat \bin\tomcatw.exe</font>. To start the tomcat GUI please run the following command in MS-DOS shell:

<font inherit/Courier New,Courier,monospace;;inherit;;inherit>bin>tomcatw.exe ESprojectkit</font>

In the Java tab you can configure additional Java start parameter for Stages that are listed below:

  • Xmx (Max memory pool): 1024 MB
  • Xms (Initial memory pool): 512 MB
  • Remote monitoring of Stages application via JConsole or SVisualVM
    • ​​​
  • Set Option for not garbage collected Java heap size, the so called permanent generation:
    • XX:MaxPermSize=256m
    • XX:PermSize=256m