Release Notes for Stages 7.11

TBD: Intro text

Version 7.11 comes with Long Term Support (LTS), so customers looking for long term stability are able to upgrade to this release and stay there for at least two years with full maintenance. As a consequence, the maintenance for the previous LTS release 7.9 will end on March 31, 2025.

Stages AI

Jira Cloud

RTC 7.0.3

PTC Codebeamer

Templates for States and Quality Levels

Reminders and escalation support for process release automations

Show initiator of process release automations

In the release automation, the responsible users can now be displayed if tasks have not yet been assigned. The information can also be queried via the Stages API:

stages.getAllTasks().forEach(task => {
  if (task.getProperty("State") == "TODO") {
    const step = task.getEntities("containsStep@SYSTEM")[0];
    const participant = step.getEntities("containsParticipant@SYSTEM")[0];
    if (!!participant) {
      const users = participant.getEntities("containsUser@SYSTEM");
      users.forEach(user => {
        log.warn(step.getProperty("Name") + ": " +  user.getProperty("Fullname"));

SCIM Support

Number of supported languages was increased from 5 to 8

Redesign of report pages: reuse existing report results, etc.

User interface improvements

Admin & Security
