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Dimensions Configuration

Host Sections

For each Dimensions server that shall be accessible by Stages a <font inherit/Courier New,Courier,monospace;;inherit;;inherit>cms-host</font> section must be added to the Dimensions <font inherit/Courier New,Courier,monospace;;inherit;;inherit>cms-type</font> section in <font inherit/Courier New,Courier,monospace;;inherit;;inherit>PKitConfig.xml</font>. The defined hosts can be referenced in Stages CMS profiles. The following attributes can be dpecifies for a host whereas you have to provide values for the attribute ident and name.

  • As ident you have to specify either the same value as for host name or another unique identifier string.
    • Attention: CMS profiles will later reference this ident. So you should not change it or remove it
  • unintentionally when you already created CMS profiles for this host.
  • The name must be the actual host name or ip address of the Dimensions server.
  • The displayName is optional. With this attribute you can influence the Dimensions host name will be
  • displayed in Stages CMS profiles.