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Understand and Assign User Licenses

Every user needs to be assigned to a specific user license to be able to use Stages.

License Types

The following license types are supported.

Process Modeler (MODEL)

  • Model processes
  • Create and release process versions
  • Define compliance to standards
  • Define tailoring rules
  • All features of PM, PART, and CONT license

Project Manager (PM)

  • Select, tailor, version, and release processes for projects and programs
  • Define and execute reports
  • Freeze completed phases, activities, and work products
  • All features of PART and CONT license

Process Participant (PART)

  • Participate in processes
  • Work with project work products
  • All features of CONT license

Process Contributors (CONT)

  • View modeled processes
  • View compliance information
  • Provide feedback

<font inherit/inherit;;#e74c3c;;inherit>Please note that depending on the purchased or subscribed license types, your not all license types might be available to you.</font>

Assign User Licenses

Every user needs to be assigned to exactly one license type. To assign a license type to a user, go to Administration > Users, search for the user name and click or tap on the search result. The license type can be changed in the edit dialog.

If a user is assigned to the NONE license type, the user is not able to log in.

The license type of a user restricts the access of the user to certain features (see above). This is independent of the user's permissions. For example, if a user has the permission to edit processes, but is only assigned to a PM or PART license, the user will not be able to edit process content.